skkipperr  07-29-2022, 6:26 PM Agree 0   Disagree 0 #3
Yeah... I would have to agree with the other comments... this is the best one so far.
millie-pat  06-15-2022, 9:44 PM Agree 0   Disagree 0 #2
IM3 is the best of the first three films. It was co-written by JJ Abrams who also directed the movie. The film had a great cast the story never slowed down to get boring. Also the only two black leads Rhames and Fishburne had more screen time. The story dropped Ethan's former love interest played by Newton but never explained it.
classapcs  09-04-2015, 5:29 PM Agree 1   Disagree 0 #1
Best of the first three! It's really good!!!
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