skkipperr  07-25-2020, 8:39 PM Agree 0   Disagree 0 #2
Wagtails summed it up appropriately... he should have added one more thing... this next bit is a bit of a spoiler alert, but gives away nothing specific... stop reading if you don't want to know... ~~~~~~~~~ It doesn't really end. A lot is left to your imagination when the movie ends... kind of like No Country for Old Men, only even more so.
wagtails  07-24-2020, 10:42 AM Agree 1   Disagree 0 #1
This is difficult to describe. This seems to be a mixed bag of genres. War, horror, thriller, sci-fi, Neuro Linguistic Programming, along with several theaters of war and combat. All I can say is, it is good to see "Juicy" (Theo Rossi) working again. Good night and good luck.
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