TBrandon  09-22-2020, 1:02 PM Agree 0   Disagree 0 #4
Brilliant film
jim8107  02-03-2017, 10:16 PM Agree 3   Disagree 0 #3
All alternative energy sources do more harm to the environment than fossil. If you care about the environment, you will strive to use fossil more efficiently and safely. Other than that, good entertainment.
wagtails  01-17-2017, 12:49 AM Agree 3   Disagree 1 #2
quite the film indeed! This presentation explained much about what went wrong when Deepwater Horizon blew, and also makes one strong case for alternative energy sources. lets all hope this never happens again, therefore it is well worth viewing. good night and good luck.
lacova  01-13-2017, 2:24 PM Agree 3   Disagree 0 #1
wow, what a fantastic film. So real, fantastic actors, was so real it was painful watching as it was based on real events. I was shaking like a leaf watching it, god knows how those poor people felt. God bless those souls that lost their lives. I voted one star by mistake I meant to vote for all five stars.
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